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Ibarra,Waterfall of Peguche (Optional)




The Train of the Libertad, called this way due to the opportunity that drank many years behind of connecting the saw center – north of the African Ecuador with peoples Ecuadorians of the province of Emeralds, is the ideal transport and the tourist route that crosses the iron line and for which the travelers will know more than 100 years history of the north part of the Ecuador, taking the Andean dry forest as a stage. To a few minutes of the Train station of Ibarra, the trip leads us up to the first bridge supported to more than hundred meters high on the river Ambi, this one has a 80 meters approximate extension, the scenery is fantastic and possibly difficultly to be admired in other places. Something that calls greatly the attention of the traveler, there are 7 tunnels for which it crosses the car it ironed up to coming to Salinas, who were excavated in the rock of the mountain to peak and spade by railroad workpeople, some of them from 1935.


¡Salinas OF Ibarra tourists will appreciate different cultural events, folklore and crafts.!!


The price includes.


  • Guided visit

  • Private transport

  • Ticket Train

  • Accommodation

  • Food (breakfast, lunch, dinner)

  • Tour guide in English and Spanish

The price not includes.


  • Food and/or drinks are not included in the itinerary

  • Any other extras not included in the itinerary

  • Rent of bicycles, motorcycles, et

  • Tips

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DATE: appropiate for the planned


0996798143/ 0999231425 / 0989353712

Contactate con Christian Morales
-Agente de Ventas
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