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Tamandua Ecologic Reserve

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Tamandua Ecologic Reserve currently has 70 hectares of which 60 are remaining primary forest and 10 hectares consisting of grassland and forest recovery. In the future we would like to have an area of ​​500 hectares, which will be acquired in terms of our planning and economic resources.

El Puyo, Pastaza, Ecuador



Tamandua Ecological Reserve was created in 2012, and aims to contribute directly to the work carried out by the YanaCocha Rescue Centre Wildlife, in the process of hosting, investigate and rehabilitate wildlife victims of tenure and illegal trafficking in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

It is located in the province of Pastaza, canton Santa Clara, in the community of Samasunchi. A 1 hour from the city of Puyo. With an average temperature of 18-24 ° C throughout the year.

It has an area of ​​70 hectares of primary forest, in which inhabit thousands of species of plants and animals.

While constantly working on programs and research projects to determine the main species of animals and plants that inhabit this area, in order to make an inventory of the existing species in the reserve.





0996798143/ 0999231425 / 0989353712

DATE: appropiate for the planned

The price not includes.


  • Food and/or drinks are not included in the itinerary

  • Any other extras not included in the itinerary

The price includes.


  • Guided visit

  • Private transport

  • Accommodation

  • Food (breakfast, lunch, dinner)

  • Tour guide in English and Spanish

Contact you with Christian Morales
-Agent of sales
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