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Peguche Wasi

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Peguche Wasi is to transmit what what our grandparents have taught us and the current generations have been losing or stopping practising.

Otavalo - Ecuador



Peguche Wasi is to transmit what what our grandparents have taught us and the current generations have been losing or stopping practising, they have a great variety of medicinal plants, the tourists who come to this place can know the form of life that there support still the kichwas otavalo of the rural zone, visit the gallery museum of this family is totally free, the gallery museum is opened every day from 9 a.m..

Fuente de Información: “Dan a conocer tradición indígena en un museo”. 2014. El Norte Diario Regional Independiente. 16 de marzo de 2014.




0996798143/ 0999231425 / 0989353712

Contact you with Christian Morales
-Agent of sales

Fuente de Información: “Taller Artesanal Peguche Wasi”. Accedido 20 de diciembre de 2017.


The price includes.


  • Guided visit

  • Private transport

  • Accommodation

  • Food (breakfast, lunch, dinner)

  • Tour guide in English and Spanish

The price not includes.


  • Food and/or drinks are not included in the itinerary

  • Any other extras not included in the itinerary

DATE: appropiate for the planned
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